General instructions for using our class web site.
1. To view a classmate’s profile, you must be logged on as a member. This is a security feature . Just click on the Classmate Profiles link and click the name of whomever you wish to review. The icons are self explanatory. No icons next to a name means that person has not yet joined.
2. To view photos from prior year reunions, click the Past Reunions link and view the photos. Click and wait for a slide show or choose photos individually.
3. Our Previous Schools. These are photos and items from grammer and Jr. High.
4. Message Forum allows posting/reading messages from other class mates.
5. User forums allows us to present and join topical discussions if desired.
6. How to use this site -- you are doing it now.
7. Our 1962 year book is available in ADOBE PDF format by clicking the link and scrolling through it page by page. Full screen mode is available. If you do not have ADOBE READER it is available for free from ADOBE.COM.
8. 1962 History/Videos are randomly chosen events from 1962 that would have been of immediate interest to us at that time.
9. Missing Classmates are not listed in the In Memory page or have not yet signed on the site. BUG THEM TO JOIN!
10. Contact us allows you to send an email to James Rice the site administrator(s).
11. In Memory is a list of class mates known to have passed on. If you know of someone who is not listed here, let the administrator know. If you have information about a deceased member that you feel would be of interest to the class, post it as a comment to that members page.
12. Home Page is just to take you back to the Home Page from any other page!
13. Any member may post comments and announcements of interest at any time.